Base station verticals installed
in high wind speed areas must be guyed.
Antennas below represent a very small part of our antenna
Please order by phone; 02 9688 4301/9636 9060/9896 8972,
TET-EMTRON TEV-1 HF-bands vertical...A$279 *****************************************
***SCOOP PURCHASE...A$2 each!***
ALINCO EA-0088 70cm BNC h/held whip, 10cm (left)...A$2 ea. *****************************************
Radio Oasis "Junior" G5RV,
40m~10m, 51 ft.
******************* *****************************************
DX Engineering special plate/bracket KIT
for fitting to *****************************************
Widebander II+ tuning SWR down on 40m...
WonderWand Widebander II+ antenna tuner for
Widebander II+ can fit onto the optional Comet ****************************
YES, IN STOCK as at 16-08-24!
Can plug directly into FT-817/818 *******************
Can plug directly into FT-817/818 *************************
COMET brand
CST-30 antenna mounting bracket complete with COMET HFJ-350MTOYBX (TOYBX = Toybox)...A$349 Ideal for IC-705, FT-817/818, etc., portable MF+HF+6m radios. Covers 1.8MHz to 50MHz amateur bands (160m to
6m bands)! Amateur bands covered; 160m, 80m, 40m,
30m, 20m, This "base coil" is a MULTI-BAND tapped
coil to which the Package includes 1.8Mhz/160m and 3.5MHz/80m coils. The included telescopic whip antenna always
fits on top of A long (minimum length of 9m) counterpoise
multi-stranded The HFJ-350MTOYBX has an integrated PL-259
plug, multiple taps |
Type | Price $(AUD) |
ALL prices are subject to change with notice or
obligation due to exchange rate variations. Special orders require
either an irrevocable deposit or full payment up-front. We don't stock
any Arrow antennas. However, Arrow antennas are available on special order from us. |
Butternut HF-2V 80m-40m
high-performance, 9.8m long, vertical. Available from the USA on your order with deposit. |
P.O.A. |
Butternut HF-6VX 80-40-30-20-15-10m vertical, 7.9m
tall. Available from the USA on your order with deposit. |
P.O.A. |
Butternut HF-9V 80-40-30-20-17-15-12-10-6m vertical, 7.9m
tall Available from the USA on your order with deposit. |
P.O.A. |
Butternut GRK Ground Radial Kit (comprises
multiple radial wires). IN STOCK as at 16-02-24. |
$149.00 In stock! |
Coaxial cables/plugs are on our Antenna Accessories & Benelec pages | Call us... |
EGG style insulators. Black, plastic, 35w x
25h x25d mm. Suitable for dipoles and long wire antennas, etc. In stock almost all of the time!
$2.00 ea. Plenty in stock as @ 08-05-23 |
type! Size; 60w x 35h x 35d mm. Rated to 150kg. strain and accepts up to 3mm diameter of actual wire (plus normal thickness of insulation). Suitable for L-O-N-G and/or heavy dipoles & long wire antennas, etc. In stock almost all of the time!
$4.00 ea. Plenty in stock as @ 08-05-23 |
Special direct-coax-feed al. plate
package by DX Engineering. Includes SO-239, etc. Suits Hustler BTVs.
Model DXE-AOK-DCF.![]() |
$149.00 ea. In stock as @ 26-06-23 Suits Hustler 4BTV, 5BTV & 6BTV verticals! |
Hustler 4BTV 40-20-15-10m trapped vertical, 6.5m/21' tall. |
$599.00 Limited stock! |
Hustler 5BTV 80-40-20-15-10m trapped vertical, 7.5m/24' tall |
$699.00 In stock! |
Hustler 6BTV 80-40-30-20-15-10m trapped vertical, 7.3m/24' tall |
NEW LOW PRICE! Now $749.00 (was A$799) In stock! Supplementary shipment here! |
Hustler USA 2" diameter 3/8" 24tpi heavy duty
reinforced ball-mount antenna base is 180° angle
adjustable! Coaxial cable can be attached underneath the Cycolac insulating base. In stock almost all of the time. ![]() |
$69.00 Limited or no stock! |
MOBILE STAINLESS STEEL WHIP ANTENNA Stainless steel 1.5m long with anti-rf-corona whip top. Diameter of 3mm. Ideal length for a 1/4-wave whip on the 6m band. In stock! |
$25.00 In stock! |
Optional ferrule to suit above 1.5m long,
3mm dia. S/S whip. Normally in stock |
$25.00 |
MOBILE STAINLESS STEEL WHIP ANTENNA Stainless steel 1.2m long with anti-rf-corona whip top. Diameter of 2.5mm. In stock! |
$25.00 In stock! |
Optional ferrule to suit above 1.2m long,
2.5mm dia. S/S whip. Normally in stock |
$25.00 |
Stainless steel 1.0m long with anti-rf-corona whip top. Diameter of 2mm. Replacement Yaesu whip for Yaesu ATAS-120A. We do NOT have ferrules to suit this 1mm dia. antenna. In stock! |
$25.00 In stock! |
OPEK HVT-600B NEW mobile 80m~2m multi-tapped
whip in stock! A very popular mobile antenna, indeed! |
$199.00 Sold out! |
PNH-22 Deluxe telescoping fibreglass
mast, 7-section 6.4m long. Place your order for sea freight delivery |
$189.00 Sold out! |
Radio Oasis G5RV/JUNIOR
40m-10m 51 ft. (15.5m)
long centre- fed broadband dipole with 16 ft. (4.9m) of heavy-duty 450-ohm ladder line and SO-239. Main transmitting bands; 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m! Useable on 30m, 17m & 12m WARC bands if using an antenna tuner. Requires coax cable from antenna to radio. ![]() |
$179.00 SOLD OUT! |
Radio Oasis G5RV/FULL SIZE
80m-10m 102 ft. (31m) long centre-
fed broadband
dipole with 32 ft. (9.8m) of heavy-duty 450-ohm ladder line and SO-239. Main transmitting bands; 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m! Useable on 30m, 17m & 12m WARC bands if using an antenna tuner. Requires coax cable from antenna to radio. ![]() |
$249.00 Plenty in stock! Supplementary shipment arrived! |
Radio Oasis G5RV/SENIOR
160m-10m 204 ft. (62m) long
centre-fed broadband dipole with
63'/19.2m of heavy-duty 450-ohm ladder line and SO-239. Main transmitting bands; 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 & 10m! Useable on 30m, 17m & 12m WARC bands if using an antenna tuner. Requires coaxial cable from antenna to radio. This antenna can be erected as an inverted-V with a minimum included angle of 120°. ![]() |
Plenty in stock! |
TET-Emtron TEV-1 Broadband HF untuned (no traps) vertical! Many hundreds sold to very satisfied amateurs! Performs best from 80m/3.5MHz to 10m/28MHz. Rated to accept 500W maximum RF carrier power. Custom designed by and made for Andrews Communications. Comprises 6-sections of 1.5m long aluminium telescoping tubing. Total length is 8.5m (28 ft.). Includes two U-bolts. Accepts mast diameters of up 32mm. Performs as an end-fed random length vertical on HF. The TEV-1 is NOT a free-standing antenna. It requires a minimum of one set of non-conducting guy wires to be attached about 2/3 the way up the antenna, i.e. about 5.5m the antenna's base, or at the top of its 4th telescoping aluminium tubing section. We recommend using 6mm/ 1/4" (or greater diameter) polyester UV-stabilised rope. This is similar rope to venetian blind cord but it's twice as thick! Please DON'T use heavier/thicker rope as that will make the antenna far more likely to bend/collapse in strong strong winds! Use an additional one or two sets of guy ropes. Do NOT use heavier guy ropes!! Do NOT fit guy ropes to the exact centre/mid-point of the antenna as that is the point of maximum bending moment, which means maximum force will be applied to that set of guy ropes, therefore making them far more likely to break!! If the TEV-1 is to be erected in a very high wind speed area then a second set of non-conducting guy wires should ALSO (i.e. in addition to the first set) be attached about 1/3 up the antenna, i.e. about the 2.8m point above ground, or at the top of the 2nd telescoping aluminium tubing section. We strongly recommend fitting a 4:1 balun to the feed-point of this super-popular untuned base station vertical antenna in order to achieve closer impedance matching to 50 ohm coaxial cable. Keep in mind that almost all amateur radio transceiver manufacturers' coaxial cable feed automatic antenna tuners will NOT reduce the swr presented to the transceiver to below 2:1 on most HF amateur bands when connected to a TEV-1, unless a 4:1 balun is fitted to the TEV-1! We haven't heard of any instance whereby an amateur transceiver's internal or external coaxial cable feed automatic antenna tuner or any manual antenna tuner hasn't been able to reduce the apparent swr presented to the transceiver to less than 2:1 swr when a 4:1 balun has been fitted to a TEV-1! TEV-1's impedance range is typically in the range of 200~300ohms. |
$279.00 |
TET-Emtron TEV-1 BAL-BRAK Aluminium mounting
bracket kit. This kit allow easy mounting of several popular antenna balun models. In stock almost all of the time. |
$19.00 In stock! |
*WIDE-BANDER II+ HF-VHF-UHF antenna tuner covers 1.8MHz~440MHz (160m~70cm). *WONDER-LOOP "750" Mk.2 covers 7~50MHz (40m~6m) and
includes a copper loop wire terminated with lugs...A$249. *TUNEABLE COUNTERPOISE SYSTEM Mk.6. Now...A$169. *FT-817/FT-818 ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT STAND...A$39. ALL Wonder-Wand products are excellent quality & work well! Selected Wonder-Wand products are normally in stock! |
Search antennas from MFJ and other manufacturers
on our antenna pages. We stock Australia's widest range of amateur
radio antennas! Prices subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations and are based on seafreighting (from USA)! |
Call us with your requirements... |
Some recommendations re installing HF multiband vertical
antennas... 1. MOUNTING ON A METAL ROOF, USING A METAL POLE If you have access to a flat, or slightly pitched, metal roof then you should mount your HF vertical on top of a 3m long metal pole that is placed in the centre of that roof. The larger the surface area of a shed's roof, then the higher the HF vertical should be mounted above that roof in order to reduce the increased radio wave reflection caused by that roof's larger metal surface area. Doing so will reduce the radiation angle and will also reduce detuning of the antenna downwards in frequency. In this example, the guying radials don't need to be metal and, in fact, there is no need for them to be metal. Polyester rope of, say 6mm in diameter, is recommended for guying. If you're mounting your HF vertical on a full metal shed then you should ground the shed in at least two diagonally opposing corners. 2. MOUNTING ON A VERTICAL METAL POLE WITH WIRE RADIALS If you want to reduce your HF vertical's ground losses but not
increase its angle of radiation then you should mount your vertical
on top of a 3m-4m long metal pole. Ensure the metal pole is properly
grounded. 3. MOUNTING ON A METAL VERTICAL POLE - WITH HORIZONTAL ALUMINIUM TUBING RADIALS TO IMPROVE GROUND PLANE EFFECT Obtain three (3) 4m long lengths of aluminium tubes of say 19mm
diameter with 1.6mm wall thickness.
Drill two closely spaced holes halfway along each tube to allow for
the fitting of one U-bolt per tube (two holes per U-bolt).
We recommend physically strengthening each 19mm tube by inserting
and centreing up to a 1m long
aluminium tube (of 16mm dia. x 1.6mm thick) inside each 19mm tube, before drilling. 4. If you want to adjust the height of your multiband vertical to the optimum height then you should use a telescoping tubing mast. Many amateurs have found that it's best to test the antenna at every 50cm level of height (or at least every metre) when the antenna is mounted on top of a metal ground plane (e.g. on a roof). Check the resonant frequency (which is often the point of lowest swr) on every operational band and also check the antenna's receiving performance. A beacon is usually a good indicator, as most beacons are constantly transmitting.
The higher a vertical is mounted above a ground plane, the lower
will be the effective
angle of radiation. The higher the frequency, the higher the antenna
should be mounted, in order to achieve a lower angle of radiation.
You should record signal levels daily on all the operational bands
of the antenna, noting signal peaks on those bands at different
antenna heights! |
Instructions for attaching an N-type connector.
Kindly supplied by
RF Industries Australia Pty Ltd