Cushcraft antennas

Base station verticals installed in high wind speed areas should be guyed.
Please don't force coaxial cable through walls (especially brick walls).

Where possible, please ensure coaxial cable lengths are in multiples
of a 1/2-wavelength (not in odd multiples of 1/4-wave lengths) on
all operating bands, taking into account the cable's velocity factor.

Please don't instantly assume a new antenna is faulty, as <0.1% of
new antennas (<0.01% for Japanese antennas) are faulty from new!
Antenna faults are actually due to the installation >80% of the time!

Out-of-stock antennas are available on your order with deposit!
All prices are subject to change without notice or obligation.
Freighting or mailing of antennas to you is at extra cost.
Prices are confirmed for all antennas currently in stock!
Pricing below is based on sea-freighting from the USA.

Please order by phone; 02 9688 4301/9636 9060/9896 8972,
by email; or by mail;
P.O. Box 240, Pendle Hill, NSW, 2145.

Page updated 26-02-25



Monoband and multiband HF yagi antennas & add-ons

X7 7-element triband yagi

A3S triband yagi shown with optional A743 40m dipole "add-on"
Yes, A3S and A743 are in stock!!

A4S triband yagi

Type Price $(AUD)
X7 - 7 element 10/15/20m yagi $2199.00
X740 - 40m add-on element for the X7 antenna $899.00
A3S --> 3 element 10m/15m/20m high-quality triband yagi.

A3S has 8dB gain. Has 14 ft./4.27m boom length of 1.5"/38.1mm diameter




Confirmed price!

Supplementary shipment HERE!

A743 --> 40/30m add-on kit for the A3S 20-15-10m yagi.

Tuneable for EITHER the 40m band or 30m band at any time...



A4S - 4 element 10m/15m/20m high-quality triband yagi.

A4S has 8.9dB gain and a 10m band full size reflector.
Has an 18 ft./5.48m boom length of 2"/50.1mm diameter



Confirmed price!

Shipment HERE!

A744 - *30/40m add-on kit for A4S yagi P.O.A.
A3WS - 3 element 12/17m WARC yagi - deposit required P.O.A.
A103 - 30m add-on kit for A3WS P.O.A.
ASL2010 - 10/12/15/17/20m 8 element log-periodic beam P.O.A.
XM240 40m 2 element lightweight yagi P.O.A.
MA5B - 10/12/15/17/20m 3 element yagi P.O.A.
*The 30/40m add-on kits for A3S (A743) and A4S (A744) yagis can be assembled for operation on either the 30m band or the 40m band.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit
Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products.

6m, 2m & 70cm MONOBAND yagi antennas

A503S --> 3 element 6m yagi...A$399
Fantastic 6m DX conditions happening!!


A14810S --> 10 element 2m yagi


Type Price $(AUD)
A503S - 3 element 6m yagi Now...$399.00


A505S - 5 element 6m yagi P.O.A.
A506S - 6 element 6m yagi P.O.A.
124WB - 4 element 2m yagi P.O.A.
A1483S - 3 element 2m yagi    P.O.A.
A14810S - 10 element 2m yagi on 3.7m (12 ft.) boom. Handles 1kW. SO-239 socket fitted. Has 13.2dBi gain, 24dB F/B ratio. Weighs 3.7kg.

Place your order with deposit
A14820T - 20 element 2m FM/SSB "Twist" yagi on 3.4m/11ft. boom.
Gain; 11.1dBd. F/B ratio; 24dB. Maximum RF power limit; 1,000W. Bandwidth; 144~148MHz. Weighs 3.15kg. Turning radius; 2.3m. Mast diameter range; 32mm~51mm. Wind load surface area; 0.11 sq. m. Stainless steel hardware!



Confirmed price!

A43011S - 11 element 70cm yagi (430-440MHz) P.O.A.

Place your order with deposit
A4496S - 6 element 70cm yagi (440-450MHz) P.O.A.

Place your order with deposit
A44911S - 11 element 70cm yagi (440-450MHz) P.O.A.

Place your order with deposit
Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products!

"Boomer" monoband 2m and 70cm yagi antennas


A17B2 - 17 element extra-high gain 2m yagi


A13B2 - 13 element high gain 2m yagi


Type Price $(AUD)
A17B2. 17 element 2m yagi (144-145MHz) with 9.45m boom. Has extra high 18.0dBi gain and 26dB front to back ratio.
Weighs 7.14 kg.
Rated to accept 1.5kW RF pep on SSB.

Shipment due in a few days!
A13B2. 13 element 2m yagi (144-148MHz) with 4.57m boom. Has high 15.8dBi gain & 26dB front/back ratio. Weighs 3.1 kg.
Rated to accept 1.5kW RF pep on SSB.

Place your order with deposit

A26B2. TWO 13B2 yagis (144-148MHz) w/stacking frame and coaxial cable phasing harness. Rated to 1.5kW SSB. Has 17.0dBi gain. P.O.A.

Place your order with deposit
A719B. 19 element 70cm yagi w/N connector (430-450MHz). Has 4.1m boom, 15dBi gain, 25dB f/b ratio & weighs 2.55kg. Rated to 2kW SSB.

Place your order with deposit
We can also supply super-low loss power dividers from M2 in the USA!
Call us...
Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products.

Dualband and triband VHF/UHF yagi antennas

A627013S - 6m/2m/70cm triband yagi...A$599
 In stock!

Type Price $(AUD)
A2706S - 3 element 2m and 3 element 70cm dual-band yagi P.O.A.
A27010S - 5 element 2m yagi and 5 element 70cm dual-band yagi.

Subject to availability!
A627013S - Tri-band yagi! Has 3 elements on 6m, 5 elements on 2m and 5 elements on 70cm.


Confirmed price!
Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products.

Multiband HF vertical antennas


R8 vertical...A$1499
Sold out!

Covers 40-30-20-17-15-12-10-6m bands

Type Price $(AUD)
R8 - 6/10/12/15/17/20/30/40m half-wave 8-band vertical. Rated to accept 1,500W of RF power. Length of 8.7m/28.5 ft.

Deposit requested only when availability is confirmed!


Place your order with deposit!
R6000 - 6/10/12/15/17/20m half-wave vertical P.O.A.
R8GK - R8 guying kit P.O.A.
MA5VA - 10/12/15/17/20m compact vertical P.O.A.
MA6VA - 6/10/12/15/17/20m compact vertical P.O.A.
MA160V- 160m monopole vertical, 10~11m long P.O.A.
MA8040V - 80 and 40m dual-band high-performance vertical.

Has top hat radials. Includes ground radial kit! Bandwidth is 100kHz on 80/75m and 300kHz on 40m. Gain is 0dBi on 80/75m and 2dBi on 40m.

MA8040V is 8.2m/27 ft. long. Weighs 6.4kg. Accepts 1.5kW on SSB. Place your order for fast UPS import ex-USA

Please call to confirm product availability

Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out-of-stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products!
World Ranger rotatable dipole antennas
Type Price $(AUD)
D3 - 10/15/20m dipole P.O.A.
D3W - 12/17/30m dipole P.O.A.
D4 - 10/15/20/40m dipole P.O.A.
D40 - 40m dipole P.O.A.
Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products.
VHF and UHF "Ringo" type vertical antennas
Type Price $(AUD)
AR2 2m band Ringo P.O.A.
AR270 2m/70cm Ringo, 3.7/5.5dB gain P.O.A.
AR270B 2m/70cm Ringo, 5.5/7.5dB gain P.O.A.
ARX2 2m Ringo  P.O.A.
ARX2B 2m Ringo Ranger II P.O.A.
AR450 70cm Ringo P.O.A.
ARX450B 70cm Ringo P.O.A.
Prices are based on sea freighting and are subject to change without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.
Out of stock antennas are available on your order with deposit.
Deposit only required once we confirm availability of the product.
Full payment is required for out-of-stock or special-order products.

Andrews Communications Systems
Site 701, Aerodrome Road, Camden
airport, Cobbitty, N.S.W., 2570.
Phone 02 9636 9060, 02 9688 4301.