GAP antennas

Australia's largest factory-authorised 
factory-direct GAP antenna importer!

Please note that GAP indicated export
shipping may recommence soon...

GAP verticals provide truly impressive performance!!

GAP Titan-DX...A$P.O.A.
Price subject to confirmation

Eight-band 80m~10m (all WARC) vertical base antenna.

Titan-DX requires no ground radials.

Outstanding performance!

(80-40-30-20-17-15-12-10m bands)

Sold out!

GAP should resume exporting soon...

Base station verticals installed in high wind speed areas should be guyed.
Please don't force coaxial cable through walls (especially brick walls).

Please note that sea freight, air freight and air courier charges regarding
shipments from the USA have increased dramatically since late 2022!!

Please don't instantly assume a new antenna is faulty, as <0.1% of
new antennas (<0.01% for Japanese antennas) are faulty from new!
Antenna faults are actually due to the installation >80% of the time!

Where possible, please ensure coaxial cable lengths are in multiples
of a 1/2-wavelength (not in odd multiples of 1/4-wave lengths) on
every band, taking into account the coaxial cable's velocity factor.

Please order by phone; 02 9688 4301/9636 9060/9896 8972,
by email; or by mail;
P.O. Box 240, Pendle Hill, NSW, 2145.

Prices are confirmed for antennas currently in stock!
Freighting or mailing of antennas is at extra cost.

Prices are subject to change without notice or
obligation due to exchange rate variations.

Page updated 26-02-25

Type Price $(AUD)
TITAN-DX is an 8-band centre-fed HF vertical antenna with swr of <2:1 across ALL of the 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m and 40m bands.

Swr is <2:1 across 100kHz of 80m band. Factory pre-tuned to 3.6MHz centre frequency for Australia, at our request. Length is 7.6m (25').

Weight is 11.3kg. The TITAN-DX requires NO radials. The first 2.4m (8') section is double wall tubing, then triple wall at the mast mount. 

The antenna's four rigid counterpoises are 2m (80") long. Note that Titan's cardboard box is 2.63m long! Rated to accept 1.5kw SSB.

Includes a special PL-259 plug which suits the antenna's coax cable.

An optional double female coaxial joiner (e.g. SO-238, not SO-239)
will be required if you wish to plug your base station coaxial cable's plug (e.g. a PL-259) into the antenna's included special PL-259 plug.

Alternatively, you could fit an in-line SO-239 socket onto your existing base station coaxial cable and plug that into the antenna's PL-259.

Guying above the GAP centre insulator with non-conductive guy wires, such as 6mm diameter polyester rope, is recommended.

Base station verticals installed in high wind areas should be guyed!

In most instances an antenna tuner is not required!


Sold out!

Price to be confirmed!


GAP Challenger-DX...A$999
Price subject to confirmation

Sold out!

GAP should resume exporting soon...

Eight-band 80m~2m vertical base antenna

(80-40-20-15-12-10-6-2m bands)

Type Price $(AUD)
CHALLENGER-DX is the first production elevated-feed vertical antenna to cover 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 6m, and 2m bands.

Swr is <2:1 across ALL of 40m, 20m, 15m, 12m, 6m and 2m. Swr is <2:1 over 130kHz of the 80m band and <2:1 over 1MHz of the 10m band. Gain is 6~8dB on the 2m band, according to CQ magazine.

Length is 9.6m (31.5'). Weight is 8.1kg. The CHALLENGER-DX may be ground mounted or roof mounted.  A ground mount is provided. Fits into an area of 3m x 4m.

Includes a special PL-259 plug which suits the antenna's coax cable.

An optional double female coaxial joiner (e.g. SO-238, not SO-239)
will be required if you wish to plug your base station coaxial cable's plug (e.g. a PL-259) into the antenna's included special PL-259 plug.

Alternatively, you could fit an in-line SO-239 socket onto your existing base station coaxial cable and plug that into the antenna's PL-259.

Requires three 7.6m (25') long ground radials.

Guying above the GAP centre insulator with strong non-conductive guy wires is recommended!

Base station verticals installed in high wind areas should be guyed!

In most instances an antenna tuner is not required!


Sold out!

Price to be confirmed!



GAP Voyager-DX...A$999
Price subject to confirmation

Four-band 160m~20m vertical base antenna

(160-80-40-20m bands)

Sold out!      

GAP should resume exporting soon...

160m is an integral part of this antenna!
It's not just an "add-on" 160m kit, hi!


Type Price $(AUD)
VOYAGER-DX is a dedicated elevated-feed 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m vertical antenna. On 160m, the bandwidth is >90kHz at the 2:1 swr points. The swr is <2:1 across ALL of the 80m, 40m and 20m bands.

The VOYAGER-DX employs a capacitance hat with a circular ring to electrically lengthen the antenna. Length is 13.7m (45'). Weight 13.6kg.

Requires a minimum of three 17.3m (57') long ground radials and four guy anchor points spaced 7.6m (25') from base mount. Aluminium pivot and guy brackets supplied. Requires two sets of guy ropes. No tuning or matching is normally required. This is a relatively "quiet" vertical antenna.

Includes a special PL-259 plug which suits the antenna's coax cable.

An optional double female coaxial joiner (e.g. SO-238, not SO-239)
will be required if you wish to plug your base station coaxial cable's plug (e.g. a PL-259) into the antenna's included special PL-259 plug.

Alternatively, you could fit an in-line SO-239 socket onto your existing base station coaxial cable and plug that into the antenna's PL-259.

Base station verticals installed in high wind areas should be guyed!

In most instances an antenna tuner is not required!


Sold out!

Price to be confirmed!

GAP Eagle-DX...A$P.O.A.

Six-band 40m~10m vertical base antenna.

Eagle-DX requires no ground radials.

(40-20-17-15-12-10m bands)

Sold out!

GAP should resume exporting soon...

Type Price $(AUD)
EAGLE-DX is the smallest antenna in the GAP vertical antenna line-up. The efficiency of the Eagle-DX is without equal. Swr is <2:1 across all of the 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m bands and 500kHz on the 10m band.

Length is 6.4m (21'). Weight is 8.6kg. The EAGLE-DX's three rigid counterpoises are each 2m (80") long.
Rated to 1500W SSB from 10m~20m. Limit of 300W SSB on 40m!

Includes a special PL-259 plug which suits the antenna's coax cable.

An optional double female coaxial joiner (e.g. SO-238, not SO-239)
will be required if you wish to plug your base station coaxial cable's plug (e.g. a PL-259) into the antenna's included special PL-259 plug.

Alternatively, you could fit an in-line SO-239 socket onto your existing base station coaxial cable and plug that into the antenna's PL-259.

Guying above the GAP centre insulator with non-conductive guy wires, such as 6mm diameter polyester rope, is recommended.

Base station verticals installed in high wind areas should be guyed!

In most instances an antenna tuner is not required!


Order with deposit required.

Price to be confirmed!


GAP MONO-BAND HF vertical antennas

All GAP MONO HF vertical antenna pricing is subject to change
without notice or obligation due to exchange rate variations.

Single band 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m or 10m antennas

Place your order for GAP MONO vertical antennas...

Type Price $(AUD)
GAP MONO vertical antennas are single band antennas which function as asymmetrically fed vertical dipoles. They provide an swr of <2:1 across the entire specified band and will accept up to 1.5kW of RF.

GAP MONO verticals are supplied with a three-wire counterpoise and simple drop-in ground mount. The counterpoise length is 80% of the antenna's length. E.g. on 40m, the GAP MONO antenna itself is 31 ft. (9.45m) long and its supplied counterpoise is 25 ft. (7.6m) long.

GAP MONO verticals include a feed-line that is an electrical half-wave, cut for the centre of the band of operation.

Includes special PL-259 plug.

An optional double female coaxial joiner (e.g. SO-238, not SO-239)
will be required if you wish to plug your base station coaxial cable's plug (e.g. a PL-259) into the antenna's included special PL-259 plug.

Alternatively, you could fit an in-line SO-239 socket onto your existing base station coaxial cable and plug that into the antenna's PL-259.

Base station verticals installed in high wind areas should be guyed!

In virtually all instances an antenna tuner is not required!

ALL GAP MONO verticals require ordering! ALL GAP prices are based on us importing GAP products by seafreight. Importing of GAP products via airfreight will incur additional charges. 

for all models

Order with deposit required for all GAP
MONO HF vertical antennas
GAP QUICK-TILT Ground Mount. Confirmed price.
Order with deposit required!

Andrews Communications Systems
Site 701, Aerodrome Road, Camden
airport, Cobbitty, N.S.W., 2570.
Phone 02 9636 9060, 02 9688 4301.